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Frequently Asked Questions

We are primarily a Hunter Douglas Gallery Dealer but also carry the JGeiger Inception line and fabricate soft treatments through various vendors.

No, we only install products purchased through us.

We are not a repair center and only service products that were purchased through us. As a Hunter Douglas Dealer, we can help facilitate warranty claims for Hunter Douglas products.

Yes! We are a Hunter Douglas Design Trade Program Dealer and offer preferred pricing to the trade.

We are not a workroom. We are a window covering retailer and service provider. We utilize Hunter Douglas and other vendors to fabricate custom drapery and soft goods.

We do not accept customer’s own material but will work with and purchase specialty fabric when it is specified. Our trade discount applies to the material as well as the labor.

No, our installers are window treatment professionals that are responsible for the proper handling and installation of window coverings purchased through us.

We are happy to meet with you at our gallery to discuss your project at no cost. We do charge for site visits to cover our time.

We strongly encourage that you make an appointment with us so that we can have distraction-free time set aside for you.

Get Your Custom Window Treatments Today